As things get more serious and restricted with COVID-19, do what you can to stay safe and minimize its impact in your life. It is not easy to deal with constant changes and concerns. That is why it is important to have a plan of action. Assess your concerns and worries, but develop the necessary steps to cope.
One way to cope is to take control of your life and do what you can to beat this opponent. Unfortunately, there is no knock out punch that works and no other martial art that can take this COVID-19 opponent down! Still, you can take measures to ensure your happiness, enjoyment of life, and sense of happiness remain in tact.
Below are 10 ways to fight this opponent by taking control of your own life. There are many other options. Maybe you an think of a few yourself and add them to the comments section of this post to share with others. These are in no particular order of importance, but in many ways are equally important when it comes to mind, body, spirit balance:
1. Write down some new goals that you can accomplish from home. You probably have a list tucked away somewhere because at some point in your life you may have written down some of your dreams and goals for the future. Dust it off and take a new look. If you do not have a written goals list, develop one. Some of the items in this post can be your goals, too.
2. Fix up the house & organize. Now is a good time to delve into the clutter, move furniture around, and do those small projects around the house. I know that we have a few things to finish up after moving into this house last year – blinds to hang, a faucet to fix, an office space to set up and finish hanging pictures. What’s on your to-do list around the house? Get it finished, and scratch it off the list!
3. Work out and finally lose those few pounds that you want to lose so you look healthier and feel happier. This is one that I am going to work on. After being in online school full time for the last year and a half, I gained a few pounds. I did not have as much time to work out. I cannot complain any longer. With more time at home, I also have more time to focus on this personal goal. Maybe when I get back to work in the office, whenever that is, I will be wearing a smaller size.
4. Learn a Tai Chi form, practice yoga or meditate. All are very calming to the soul. I like to alternate my regular martial art or other work-out routines with these practices. They bring you inward and take away the stress of the world around you.
5. Begin or finish writing the book that you have been thinking about. I have two in progress! People always ask me how to write a book. My advice is…just start writing. Don’t worry about the editing or publishing just yet. The hardest part is the content and self-editing before it ever reaches the other levels of book making. So, get started.
6. Sort through what you no longer need and have it ready to give to those who will need it when things settle down again. Trust me, you have more things than you need. One thing I realized during this COVID-19 time is that material items simply are no where as important as family, a positive mindset and well-being. Whatever you have hidden in the depths of a closet that you no longer even consider using or wearing can help someone else.
7. Practice your martial art skills, drills, routines or katas to keep fit and keep your mind, body & spirit engaged. As mentioned above, yoga and meditation are great complements to your martial art style, whatever it is. While you may not have a partner, perhaps you have a bag at the house to punch and kick. That is a great way to relive frustration! Otherwise, skills and drills practice and katas are also the way to go. Keep up the good work!
8. Enjoy a morning coffee with your spouse/family member with whom you typically do not spend time in the morning. I used to get up early and leave for work before seeing my family. Now I see them during all times of the day. A fifteen minute break during my work day to chat with them reminds me how important they are to me and gives me a respite from the work day and a nice break before I have to delve back in.
9. Take a walk in a park or outside, if possible. Or sit in the backyard if you have one. Fresh air and sunshine feel great! My sons who live in the Orlando, FL area advised me that their local park is closed. If your parks are still open and there is plenty of room without a crowd of people around, take a walk or sit and reflect. Some states have mandated that people remain at home, so be conscious of your state’s regulations.
10. Use FaceTime and other means to see and connect with friends, family, and workmates. If you don’t use these, now is a good time to begin. If you cannot be in person with your loved ones or friends, these options are the next best thing.
As in martial arts, lets be proactive and defensive. Think about how to conquer any opponent when it quietly settles in and begins to disrupt your life.
Oh, by the way, you can always read a good book!
Pick up my motivational books here:
The Martial Arts Woman: https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Arts-Woman-Moti…/…/1544916213
Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Inspirations-Ev…/…/150297830X
Thank you for sharing.Your 10 pts are very helpful
Thank you Derrick!
Excellent article as always!
Thank you!