Martial Arts Develop Leaders in Children
Leadership sounds like a big word for a young kid. However, leadership roles come in all shapes and sizes just as kids do… Read More Martial Arts Develop Leaders in Children
Leadership sounds like a big word for a young kid. However, leadership roles come in all shapes and sizes just as kids do… Read More Martial Arts Develop Leaders in Children
Do you consider yourself brave? Neither did I. Not until I started to assess the world around me and decide that I was going to step up to the challenge of making it a better place. Where can I start? How can I do it? These are the questions I ask myself and that you… Read More Be Brave.
Looking for the perfect gift? These books are for martial artists and non-martial artists, so pick up yours today and give a unique and inspiring gift to your loved ones, friends, co-workers, bosses, students, and pick up a copy for yourself! The Martial Arts Woman book: Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book: Or,… Read More Pick up The Martial Arts Woman’s Books for the Holidays!
The haters will try to catch you off guard, and you may let your guard down, but you must stop and remember that you are and always will be amazingly unique and brave, and no one can ever take that away.… Read More Negativity Doesn’t Deserve to Win
A while back I surveyed the martial art class I was teaching. The young faces were so eager to learn and excited. Granted, we played a lot of games and incorporated skills and techniques into the games that made learning fun. I couldn’t help but think that it would be so wonderful to see life… Read More The Biggest Lesson of All
How is your day going? I only ask because many times I hear people complaining. They hate their jobs or dislike their surroundings. Nothing is right. I admit it. We all have bad days every now and again. Circumstances change in an instant and everything we believe becomes a blur. The thing is, friends, you… Read More Open New Doors
You probably have a hectic schedule, like I do. If you are raising a family, building a dojo, working full time, or teaching martial arts, life can be exciting but draining. Every morning you wake up with a list of “to-do” items and you set your sights on accomplishing as many as possible. Still, at… Read More Stop Hindering Success
What exactly is “the crossover?” It is the point in your martial art path, or in your life, when you are redirected. It may happen if the status of your health changes, you move, or you make the choice to start a new career. A new situation or experience may seem scary or uncomfortable at… Read More The Crossover
I didn’t plan to learn a martial art. So, before you start thinking that I was a woman determined to take on the world, the truth is that I had no idea what I was getting in to. It was my husband who suggested that we go to our first martial art class together a… Read More Success in Martial Arts is Success in Life
I receive a lot of messages on social media from people asking how they can overcome a fear or an obstacle. I don’t mind listening. If they ask my advice, though, I will give it. It is not always what they want to hear. My advice often centers on the fact that life changes constantly.… Read More Create a Pathway to Success