Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Change Your Heart– My response to our world today

In a world of strife and turmoil, how can we keep a positive outlook, and believe that there is still good? Shootings and difficult times surround us from every direction. I listen to the news and my heart drops, loses a beat, and I wonder where we are headed. It is nothing new. We have… Read More Change Your Heart– My response to our world today

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

My Instant Martial Art Success

Recently, someone commented on Facebook how I have come so far, so fast. He was  referring to my following on social media, and some recent opportunities. The comment came after a flurry of comments about a photo I posted of me performing a kick in my front yard. Some liked it, some thought it needed… Read More My Instant Martial Art Success

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Insignificant Martial Artist

It’s true. I am insignificant, at least in the world of important martial art masters, actors, and stunt people. Every day I still learn something new, or try to fix a flaw. No one can refute that I have focus or power, and an undying will to learn and advance. I apply martial arts not… Read More Insignificant Martial Artist

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Purpose in Life and in Your Practice

  It is easy to become complacent in life. The daily grind becomes, well…a grind. You begin to believe that life is made up of commitments, chores, and responsibilities. These things seem to suck your energy and time into a warp, never to be recovered again. It’s called life and adulthood, and it is filled… Read More Purpose in Life and in Your Practice

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

The Martial Art Believers

I was going to start by writing how martial arts are not for everyone, but that would be sarcasm. I think there are enough different martial art styles in the world for everyone to find something that is meaningful and purposeful. I know all the standard reasons why most choose to not practice. Time, responsibilities,… Read More The Martial Art Believers

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

Martial Arts Transform The World

I believe in the power of positivity. Maybe I am a fool, or someone who does not understand how life really works, but I think that there can be a lot more happiness in the world. I think it is time for us to all stop convincing ourselves that what we do or say does… Read More Martial Arts Transform The World

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy

The Pen and the Sword are Mighty

Someone told me recently, “The pen is mighty.” He was encouraging me to keep writing about  important martial art life lessons, even if someone on the Internet challenges me, or provokes me with an unwarranted comment.  What he said made good sense. Being a writer, or a martial artist, is not just about what you… Read More The Pen and the Sword are Mighty

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

5 Ways to Improve Your Martial Art Manners

I don’t think I am going too far out on a limb by saying the art of manners in martial arts, and in life, could use a little improvement. When I started strengthening my public profile in social media, and connecting with larger groups of martial artists, I was sad to witness the lack of… Read More 5 Ways to Improve Your Martial Art Manners

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

The Enemy List

Do you have an enemy? Is there someone who criticized, condemned, or unjustly judged you? It is difficult to believe that their intent was to hurt you for no apparent reason, even if that is the truth. These enemies lack kindness and compassion. They easily turn your great day, or your great life, upside down. You… Read More The Enemy List

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Lint Between Your Toes – In Life and Martial Arts

LINT BETWEEN YOUR TOES The other day in Taekwon-Do class, we were practicing patterns or forms.  For non-martial artists, this just means the practice of martial art stances, kicks, and blocks that are choreographed and simulate a fighting situation.  Martial artists frequently learn patterns, forms, or katas as part of their training.  They are very… Read More Lint Between Your Toes – In Life and Martial Arts