Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

You Are More

On my drive to work this morning, I contemplated about what I would tell others that might make a difference in their lives, if given a chance.  What could I say or remind them that would shake them up a little, push them a little,  or give them inspiration to pursue their hopes and dreams.… Read More You Are More

Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Just Keep Going – A Lesson in Perfection

In the late 1980’s, my husband and I bought a house.  It was the first house we looked at with the Realtor, and we liked it, but we decided to keep looking just in case there was something better.  There wasn’t.  For a city spot, it had nearly a quarter acre of yard, was directly… Read More Just Keep Going – A Lesson in Perfection

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

5 Great Habits Kids Learn from Martial Arts

One of my students drew me a card complete with a picture of me doing a side kick, with a smile, and wearing my signature pony tail. It said “I love karte.”Yes, “karate” was spelled wrong, but it didn’t matter; everything that he was trying to say was just right. His message was clear. He enjoys class.… Read More 5 Great Habits Kids Learn from Martial Arts

Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy

Self Defense: What Are You Afraid Of?

I’m not a self-defense expert, but I know my share of escapes, grabs, and take downs.  I can kick and punch as hard as any other.  I need to learn a lot more about what technique works the best, or how to harness more power; but if anything, I know for sure that I will… Read More Self Defense: What Are You Afraid Of?

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Worrier or Warrior?

I consider myself a warrior. I’ve been through a lot of personal battles.  I’ve built a house, saved my child’s life, and faced fires.  I’ve been a martial artist for half my lifetime and my commitment and dedication to being a martial artist for so long gives me warrior status there.  I’ve learned to apply… Read More Worrier or Warrior?

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Keep It Real

I’ve been involved in the martial arts for a long time. In life, or in martial arts, I am still the same me, an over-achieving, positive, compassionate person who does what she can to make a difference. I’m never going to claim that I’m an expert in anything, or that I’m better than anyone.  The… Read More Keep It Real

Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy

My Interview on Dynamic Dojo Talk Radio Tonight! 11/1/2015 9:00 PM EST

Tonight I’ll be on Dynamic Dojo Talk Radio to talk about my martial arts passion, writing, life coaching, and my upcoming book where I share stories about my martial art mindset.  I will also explain how I am collaborating with many incredible martial arts women about how they apply martial arts to their lives. My… Read More My Interview on Dynamic Dojo Talk Radio Tonight! 11/1/2015 9:00 PM EST

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Female Martial Artists, Unite!

Friends, every day I am amazed by the female martial artist. It’s not that she learns anything different from a man, but she interprets what she learns and applies it in a different way than a man. There is nothing right or wrong about it. There is nothing good or bad about it. It just… Read More Female Martial Artists, Unite!

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Reader

The Making of a Champion

The Making of a Champion After 25 years of learning, practicing, and teaching karate; sharing martial arts skills to adults and children; helping students; refreshing my own katas; finding new sources from which to learn; and helping students tie their belts, I’m still nowhere near being a karate champion. I’ve learned and taught martial arts… Read More The Making of a Champion

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

“No Worries”- Martial Arts Woman Advice

I never said the phrase “no worries.”  Then, one day, like everyone else, I just picked up the habit.  It’s less personal than “you’re forgiven” and more casual than “it’s okay.” It’s a quick response to an apology.  You forgive others easily via the “no worries” route because, in the big scheme of things, whatever… Read More “No Worries”- Martial Arts Woman Advice