Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Living by the Martial Mode- A Video Blog

Recently I wrote a blog post called, The Martial Mode.  If you didn’t have a chance to read it; or if you would like to hear me talk about some of the points in the post; or if you’d like to just enjoy a great 12 minute video on how to live by the martial… Read More Living by the Martial Mode- A Video Blog

Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

15 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Martial Art

1.  Being a Know It All Please, please don’t walk into any martial art school thinking you already know it all.  If you’ve had other training, that is fantastic! Anyone who already has the basic concepts is well ahead of the game.  But, guess what? Every school and program is different.  What took you two… Read More 15 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Martial Art

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

I’ve been involved in martial arts for twenty-six years and during that time I’ve been passionate about helping women understand awareness and how they can be safer in their lives. Thankfully, nothing bad has ever happened to me and I hope the same for you…but just in case it ever comes up, here are a… Read More Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, The Martial Arts Woman Podcasts

4 Martial Arts Skills That Make You Feel Magnificently Good Play in new window | Download (Duration: 12:37 — 7.2MB) | Embed52 is a significant number to me. Is it the $52.00 dollars I need to buy something?  The 52 pairs of shoes that I’ve always wanted?  Is the 52 days I must wait before vacation?  Is it the 52 sun-drenched freckles on my face created by the Florida… Read More 4 Martial Arts Skills That Make You Feel Magnificently Good

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Revelations About Martial Arts Blogging

A Day In The Life Today I woke up at 5:15 a.m., dressed, did my make up and hair and started the hour drive to my day job.  I arrived at 7:00 a.m. and worked a full day.  On my lunch hour, I finished the blog about three obstacles women must overcome in order to learn… Read More Revelations About Martial Arts Blogging

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

3 Self Defense Barriers Women Must Overcome

Confident and Empowered I wish that every woman was strong, confident, focused and empowered.  It takes some practice and maybe even a self-defense or martial arts class or two to make that happen.  You are not born confident or empowered, you learn it.  You can learn it in the way you were raised, by how… Read More 3 Self Defense Barriers Women Must Overcome

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Martial Arts, Effort, and the “F” Word

There are a lot of great words in the English language, and a few…well…not so great.  Some you mutter under your breath for fear you will be heard; others you belt out before the censors have a chance to bleep them.  Today when I talk about martial arts and effort, I’ll be also talking about the “F” word. … Read More Martial Arts, Effort, and the “F” Word

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

Martial Arts Tips for Non-Martial Artists

You don’t know if you will ever face a physical altercation at some point in your life.  I have never had to physically defend myself, but I feel fairly certain that I would give a good fight back.  At least with my martial arts training I’m confident in that I can punch or kick and… Read More Martial Arts Tips for Non-Martial Artists

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Find Greatness In Your Life

“Greatness” is a big word, has a big meaning, and makes a big difference in your life.  Yes, you can be great, and here is how… The Great Little Picture What’s your big picture?  What consumes the bulk of your day or gobbles up your time? Going to work. Raising a family. Organizing bills. Fixing… Read More Find Greatness In Your Life

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

3 Reasons Why I Teach a Martial Art

    There are many reasons why I teach a martial art, but here are my top three!  If you are a martial artist, there’s no better way to learn yourself than to slow down and explain what you know to someone else.  If you are not involved in the martial arts, this shows why I… Read More 3 Reasons Why I Teach a Martial Art