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Courageous You


I consider a person who chooses to learn a martial art to be a courageous person. They are the kind of person willing to step into the unknown or take a risk for personal betterment. Martial arts are full of unknowns. Unknown people. Unknown words. Unknown movements. Unknown actions. These brave souls wander into class and wonder how it will change their lives. They are not sure courage works. Soon, they discover that it does.

One thing that happens to this courageous martial artist is that they begin to notice a new physicality and mindset. They discover that they are capable of evolving and finding their true self by exploring their mind, body and spirit. It sounds poetic and in many ways, it is. Courage is the poetry of success. It is a slow-developed wisdom and a quest for understanding all wrapped into one.


Those who use their courage stand out and make a difference. They are in roles where they teach, create, perform, encourage, and give of themselves. They find a place within where they feel true to themselves. We all need this inspiration and the courage to move forward in our lives. It does not have to be a martial art journey, but rather a journey of self-improvement that makes sense to you. Every journey requires commitment, dedication, and effort.

The truth is that you are already courageous in some ways that you do not realize. Are you a parent, teacher, caretaker, student, martial artist, employee or friend? Each role requires courage. You just “do” because you know that you must. For instance, as a parent you protect your children and provide for them. You give them your all. That takes amazing courage. As a friend, you lend a listening ear even when the story being told is sad, brutal or difficult. As a student, you decide if you are going to work for that A grade or be mediocre. The choices you make every day take courage. It is the same for a new martial artist stepping into the dojo for the very first time. Once they walk through the door, they turn courage into reality.


When you want to make changes in your life, don’t let fear hold you back from your potential. The best thing about courage is that it already exists inside of you. You don’t have to train to be a martial artist to have it. It’s there just waiting for you to take ahold of it and use it. It is the one thing that can push you out of your comfort zone to new and exciting challenges and experiences.

Going into this new year, think about your courage. In fact, no New Year’s resolution works without it. You are already the leader of your destiny. You can make your dreams and goals come true if you use some courage and bravery. Whatever your goal – losing weight, being more positive or even earning a million dollars- you must begin with courage. With courage, you will find that you are capable of every success.

Best wishes for the New Year.




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10 thoughts on “Courageous You

  1. Thanks for this blog and encouragement. I definitely believe that learning martial arts has increased my self confidence, but had never considered that one had to be courageous to try. Love this!

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