Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Reader

Kick Your Doubt to Pieces

Doubt Sets You Up for Failure

Overcome self-doubt, or set yourself up for failure. There are no great options here. When you doubt, you are bound to become what you believe. That’s right. Once you start doubting yourself, you will fall into the depths of becoming the kind of person you NEVER wanted to be.

Doubt, like negativity, grows over time. Before you know it, you eliminate all the dreams and desires you ever had. Quietly, you slip into complacency, rather than being excited about all that life should offer.

It happens to everyone, but few ever address it. Aspirations quietly slip away until you gradually accept that as reality. You begin to ignore the dreams and plans you had planned for your life. I have been there, done that. I understand.

I’m here to tell you, however, that it is never too late to put your dreams back into action. You can start over. If you want to succeed, you must kick your doubt to pieces!

Starting Over 

It is time to put your fears, doubt, and even shame or shyness aside. You are worthy of being who you want to be.

The thing about starting over is that it does not happen on its own. You must first understand that doubt, despair, and negativity will prevent you from living the life you want to live. You have but two choices.

  1. Do nothing and believe that you can never change; or
  2. Realize that now is the time to begin living your life again

The first choice is ruled by doubt. You believe that this is all there is. Complacency and lack of effort will never bring you joy, happiness, or success.

As much as doubt limits you, excessive indulgence or instant gratification are also culprits that are empty and not fulfilling. These behaviors make you believe that you have no future or potential, when in fact, the very opposite is true.

Look Around

How many people are excelling? How many are making dreams come true? How many are self-motivated? Very few. But, you can be one.

Recently, I had a discussion with someone who was complaining about how our youth have lost some of the traditional values of patience, integrity, and humility. They did not consider from where this trend  started.

I honestly see the lack of these values and virtues in adults just as much as in kids. No matter where I am, I see people continually lowering their personal standards for the sake of being like everyone else. It takes a warrior spirit to step up and be different.

Why are the kids of today the way they are? It is what they see from others, including the adults in their lives.

Martial Arts Curb Doubt 

I believe that martial arts are one of the few ways that adults and children can learn to curb their doubt by developing their mind, body, and spirit. For example, attending classes requires commitment.  If you want to advance, you must practice.  To perform and achieve, you must change your negative thoughts to positive ones.

There are no shortcuts and no skipping steps. These prepare you to overcome doubt and help you to be the best person you can possibly be.

In a world where everything is fast paced, martial arts provide a steady ground.  A white belt student cascades through many different colored belts to finally reach the black belt. Yet, at black belt they return  full circle as life-long learners. They realize that the black belt is the beginning and not the end. They also learn that self-doubt deters personal success and limits their options.

No One is Exempt  

I am not exempt from doubt. There were years when I doubted myself. It is almost a natural tendency to believe that you can never be good enough to learn a new skill, advance in a job, or follow a dream.

I never thought I would be a martial artist. I never thought I would express positivity to thousands of people. I never knew I would write books. It wasn’t until later in my life when I woke up and realized, “Doubt is stopping me from being the person I want to be.”

When I first began learning martial arts, I often had doubt, too. After a few classes, I kicked my doubt to pieces! I learned a very valuable lesson.  If you doubt yourself, you continually place your life on hold. If doubt lingers for too long, turning it around feels impossible.

Trust in Yourself 

I know that you are destined for personal greatness. We are all born with individual talents, traits, and skills. Recognize yours and push through. If doubt inches its way into your mind, delete it as quickly as you delete an unwanted photo on Instagram or post on Facebook. It only takes a moment to make the deletion, and then you are free to start over.

Stop doubting and you will change your life, forever.




PICK UP ONE OF MY MOTIVATIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL BOOKS! – Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone – The Martial Arts Woman
Keep your eye out for my next book:  ****How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program****


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