WHO AM I? Do you ever ask yourself that question? These three words tumble around in your mind like dice thrown haphazardly onto a board game. You only seem to consider this question when something throws you into despair or brings you to a complete stop and you are forced to reassess everything. It’s probably a good idea to answer the question before that happens.
In martial arts, the answer to this question may be found in belt levels or ranks. Those with higher ranks are generally more knowledgeable in the art. They teach, write, profess meaning and help students decipher the tricky and intricate details of their style. But even this measure is shallow. Martial artists are not exempt from feeling confused when this question arises until they understand the connection between martial arts and life.
A martial art master’s work is never finished. It is not enough to receive accolades, accumulate belts or even become a famous stunt action star. A master improves and flourishes by rising above the obvious. A master is not defined by a martial art, life experiences or even their influence upon others, but rather by how they think and feel and what they hold inside their hearts. The key to it all is not on the surface, not how you look, how much money you have or what kind of car you drive. The key to everything important is on the inside, not the outside.
Everyone, not just martial art masters, desire to understand the meaning and purpose of their life. No one likes difficulties and obstacles because they make you stretch outside your comfort zone. I honestly thought that my obstacles were going to affect the rest of my life. I thought that they would define me in the present, past and future. I saw myself as incapable of breaking free from tough times. The answer to “Who am I?” was not readily available and nothing, and I mean nothing, felt right.
Martial arts changed all that. You might say they helped me answer this age-old question without even asking it. In martial art training, I slowly learned that all experiences, good and bad, still mold a good person. Martial art skills, techniques, and mindset helped me develop into a stronger person. I learned to recognized and appreciate my personal talents and abilities. I transformed difficult times into life lessons, embraced new challenges, and improved due to training. The answer to who I am emerged because I emerged.
Where are you in your training? When you practice, do you think about anything except on what you focus? This precision of thought and focus ignites a new hope. It pulls you through even when you do not get a technique correct or a form completely memorized. You know that you will eventually nail it and that is the answer to who you are, a person of perseverance, respect, integrity, and power.
Don’t push passions and talents aside because the swirl of life whisks you into a world of responsibilities and commitments. Trust me, there is no time like today, right now, to make positive changes. Who you are is who you choose to be. It is a conscious choice that you must make.

How high can you kick and how hard can you punch if necessary to save yourself or another? That’s right. You would do everything in your power to defend yourself or someone you love when push comes to shove. Apply that mindset now and do everything in your power to find success and happiness.
Here’s my advice. First, decide who you want to be. What legacy do you want to create? How can you improve yourself and others? What steps can you take to make the world better? What skills and talents can you use right now to begin this journey of self-discovery or improvement? What do you need to do to explore and share something good with the world?
Everything worthwhile and everything good needs time to grow and develop. Your first course of action to answer the question, “Who am I?” is to examine your mindset and your goals and see what you find. Being negative is like rolling dice. There is no way to tell where you might land. You deserve, instead, to stand exactly where you want to be. If you are not a martial artist, use your faith, mindfulness, and belief to find your purpose. You see, all of these things, including martial arts, are simply conduits through which you find your truth.
When I started blogging a few years ago, it was a big effort. I had no experience creating a website, no idea if there would be an audience, and no reason to devote so much time to this personal project. Yet, something inside of me told me that I was about to find out who I really was. That voice was true. Today, I am about as close to being the person I’ve always wanted to be because I listened to that voice and I made the effort.
Your hopes and dreams are there for a reason. As unique as you are from every other person on this planet, your dreams are unique, too. They are meant only for you. That is why everyone has different interests and passions. Some people seek fame, while some like to be in the background. Some are leaders, while others are followers.It does not matter how it plays out, as long as you do what is right for you.
You will never discern who you really are if you consciously decide to pursue a contrary path to what you know is right.
I can answer the question about who I am fairly easily now. I am a woman who is ready and willing to help change the world for the better through martial arts and positivity. I have been called to do that and I’m happy to say that I constantly rise to the challenge. There are critics and those who try to manipulate my intent into something that it is not. Still, in the long run I prefer to follow a path of purpose than roll the dice and always wonder if I did the right thing. Martial arts gave me the confidence to take hold of my mission and discover my truths.
After all this philosophical conjecture about life, I hope you can answer the question, “Who am I?” I can attest, there is nothing better than following your dreams and making a difference in the world. That is exactly what I am doing. Even better, it is who I am, and I know that is who you are, too.
Pick up my motivational books here:
The Martial Arts Woman: https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Arts-Woman-Moti…/…/1544916213
Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Inspirations-Ev…/…/150297830X
Go to search mode for Dietrich Bonhoeffer poem -Who am I? I’m sure you will find it very inspirational & moving. Enjoy your writings. Thankyou.
Thank you, Larry!