Listen to audio (click link above) or read the blog right here: How many times have you talked yourself out of trying something new? What if you do not fit in? What if you do not understand what to do? Will someone help you if you struggle? Will you fail?
There are a lot of questions that float around in your head. After all, trying something new is not comfortable. Even those who claim they love a good challenge get butterflies when the time comes to climb the mountain, or maybe even the hill.
I had a fear of writing. Well, not exactly a fear of writing. I like to write, but I had a fear of others rejecting my writing, so I refused to send it out to any publishers. In college, my mentor told me I was not really good enough to be a writer. I carried that with me a long time. So, I was terrified of sending an article into a magazine publisher or publishing a book. I also had a fear of public speaking and worried about if people liked my opinion. The list goes on.
But, hey. Here I am, a stronger, more resilient and successful person because I finally gave in and took a risk. To my surprise, there are more rewards than failures when you take small risks. And, these small risks catapult you to something greater, even if there is failure in between.

One day, I decided that I was tired of my own self-imposed fears because my life was dull. I did not challenge myself because the fear of failure ruled and didn’t consider what success feels like. Instead, I hid inside a bubble to keep from pursuing the things that I had in my heart. The only way to expand your horizon is to pop the bubble and start anew. It was a tough decision, but I finally decided to pop the bubble and embrace life’s challenges.
I knew that if I ever wanted to be who I saw myself as, I had to crush the shell with which I surrounded myself and just dive in. I needed to take some small risks to see if I had what it takes to actually achieve something. I finally sent an article to a prominent martial art magazine, my poems to a greeting card publishing company, and tried my hand at motivating audiences.
Mind you, I would not have done any of this if not for martial arts.

I began learning martial arts when I was 26. That was 31 years ago! It is no surprise, that I was afraid of the first class, of jump kicks, breaking boards, yelling, and testing. I could not shake those fears for a long time. I finally decided for the first time in my life to take a risk and give 100% to something (martial arts) and see what happens. I was so accustomed to not trying, hiding behind others, and worrying, that I felt like I was gripping a slippery mountain with my bare hands!
Yes, it worked. It took a little bit of time, but that 100% effort helped me love martial art training and gave me the confidence to take other small risks. I eventually tested through some belts without literally feeling sick to my stomach a good hour before! I learned that failure is a positive life lesson. My mantra was that no one has my best interests at heart, except me. I started to accept new challenges.
Nothing happens overnight. It took five years for me to earn my black belt, but I did it. It took a lifetime to gain the confidence to send my wrting out into the world, but I did it and I found success. That is what it means to take risks and reap the reward. The risk offers the chance for success, and a chance is all you need.
Martial arts gave me the confidence to prove myself to me. Over the years, I realized that I had a lot to offer and that my messageshelp others be more positive, inspired, or motivated. Success comes in big and small packages, but all success feels great. I erased self-doubt with one small risk which catapulted me forward.
Forget about failure. In fact, the good news is that failure is temporary and it helps you grow and evolve. If one thing does not work, try another. Isn’t that one of the important lessons in martial arts? If using one defense does not work, try another, until you find the one that works.
For me, authoring two books, blogging, writing for magazines, and now podcasting, would never happen if not for what I learned in martial arts. I always felt a tug to be and do more. Pursuing my ambitions are a direct offshoot of giving 100% to my martial art practice all those years ago.
What’s tugging you? Think about it now because opportunities are waiting to happen! My advice is that you finally grab ahold of a dream and give it 100%. It is worth taking a small risk even when you do not know the outcome, because no matter what, success is in the making.
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The Martial Arts Woman:…/…/1544916213
Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:…/…/150297830X