The season of joy is upon us. What makes you happy? What brings you joy? We often feel a certain way because of the expectations we have for ourselves and for others or we think that a holiday season will bring us lasting happiness. Sometimes, it is not easy. What happens if there is a negative person from whom you can never disengage? You have to put up with their mood, personality, and conflicts. They have a lot of ups and downs. On the other hand, you share in their triumphs that seem few and far between.
Here is the cincher….This person is you. You are stuck with you, so doesn’t it make sense that you release the negativity that defines you and find the joy in your life that you need to feel worthy, satisfied, motivated and inspired? Embrace the good and let the bad go, especially the bad from the past. Wouldn’t you be happier and more joyous if you felt positive and powerful about being you?
People often focus on the negative because it is an easy excuse. They feel that they do not need to fix anything, make any improvements, or follow their dreams because wallowing is easier. They look in the mirror with empty wishes and wonder why they have never achieved their dreams and goals. Or they feel that others get the things that they deserve.
There is so much you can do in your life, starting right now. First, stop comparing yourself to others. It is never realistic. Next, set your own goals. Just jot them down. You are unique and no one else wants the same out of their life than you want from yours. Next, dispose of your negative thoughts and focus on what you like about yourself. I have always liked the color of my eyes, for example. They are green and hold a special connection to my father and my son, who both have the exact same color eyes that I do. I like my capability to inspire others because it brings me a lot of joy.
Like you, the laundry list of what I do not like about myself used to take up a whole page. From my unreasonable fears and insecurities to wishing I was different in a myriad of ways. But, then I realized that all of the negative energy spent on the things I dislike about myself was destructive and figured out that focusing on positive energy is productive. Now, I cherish being me.

Embrace what you like about yourself. As soon as a negative self-criticism enters the picture, recognize it and change it. Or, look for the positive in it. I used to hate my thick thighs until they became a powerful asset when I began practicing martial arts. My legs are the now the highlight in my kicking abilities and I no longer wish to have the long, slender legs that I once thought were so beautiful on other women. I am powerful because of the very things that I used to dislike. Changing your perspective slightly means that you can find joy within instead of negativity.
The most confident people in the world are happy with who they are. They try to improve weaknesses. They do not like every single thing about themselves (there is always room for improvement), but they like who they are, overall. They wake up in the morning positive, self-motivated and ready for success. They smile. They take a moment to be grateful. They are the role models for finding joy within.

Today, the joy of being you is ready to emerge. The fastest and simplest way to this joy is to turn your negativity around the moment you see it rear its ugly head. It is as effective as a magic wand! Wave the negative criticisms away and be the joyous person you are meant to be. You do not need a holiday. Joy is not seasonal. Joy is there when you are ready to embrace it.
Friends, I wish you much happiness and joy this holiday season. More importantly, my wish is that you find the joy of being you.
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Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:
How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:
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