Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Today is the Day to Build Your Dream

Most people today forget about the importance of effort. They think that success should happen simply because they want it. Many forget the hours of hard work and dedication it takes to reach a pinnacle. Think about climbing a mountain, or learning to fly an airplane. You cannot do it without practice, effort, and the… Read More Today is the Day to Build Your Dream

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader


If it is morning where you are, rise and shine…and I mean SHINE! There is no better time than today to focus on a new you. Inside, you already have a wealth of knowledge, emotion, aptitude, skills, qualities, and interests that make you the most unique person on the planet! Be inspired to continue on… Read More Shine!

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense, The Martial Arts Woman Podcasts

Rebecca Durr Moffett – Far From Ordinary

Meet Rebecca Durr Moffett, an ambitious Judo practitioner who practices transcendental meditation and has worked in a battered women’s shelter for more than 30 years. She also earned a master’s degree in Public Administration while working. Listen to her great insights here:—Far-From-Ordinary-eo1qt7 or here: Rebecca refers to herself as an ordinary martial artist and… Read More Rebecca Durr Moffett – Far From Ordinary

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Life Through Martial Art Eyes

Let’s face it. Martial artists see the world a little differently. They see a combination of defense, offense, art, beauty, physicality, mindset and spirituality. The eyes take it all in during class and practice.  Practitioners start to see  a new hope and a new beginning inside themselves. They realize how powerful and explosive they can… Read More Life Through Martial Art Eyes

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

Lynn Varghese – A Brain Tumor Survivor Dedicated to Martial Arts

Lynn Varghese was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2003. After three surgeries and a shunt, it was found to be benign. In 2012, she began training martial arts in her basement for a full year before finally joining a martial art class.  Listen in to her inspiring story here:—A-Brain-Tumor-Survivor-Dedicated-to-Martial-Arts-enoddf Lynn is a devoted… Read More Lynn Varghese – A Brain Tumor Survivor Dedicated to Martial Arts

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Chase Your Dreams in 2021

We all hold dreams deep inside, but how often do we chase them? How many of us have visions about the way we want to live our lives, yet we let them slip away? Today is a great day for change. Flexibility in your body and in your mindset  helps you grow and discover your… Read More Chase Your Dreams in 2021

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Declutter and Allow the Real You to Emerge

Do you feel like you are not headed in the right direction? Do you wonder why things are not going your way? Have you had a lot of difficult times recently? All of the residue built up from negative thoughts and negative direction fill your life and your mind with unnecessary clutter. It is all… Read More Declutter and Allow the Real You to Emerge

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Fran Charlton (Sweden) – A Woman’s Tumultuous Upbringing Morphs into a Budo Mindset

From her roots as a child in an extremely creative family where narcissism, abuse and neglect existed, Martial art woman, Fran Charlton of Sweden finds a way to turn healing into a silver lining. Listen to her story here:—A-Womans-Tumultuous-Upbringing-Morphs-into-a-Budo-Mindset-emq41b or here: Podcast Intro: Today I have the honor of presenting probably one of the most… Read More Fran Charlton (Sweden) – A Woman’s Tumultuous Upbringing Morphs into a Budo Mindset

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

What Will You Make of Today?

Today will be whatever you make it. Will it be any of these – relaxing, productive, adventurous, spirited, or exciting? There are many choices that you can make to create a memorable and joyful day. However, it is easy to choose the opposite of positive and memorable. Don’t go there! Don’t allow negativity, laziness, complacency,… Read More What Will You Make of Today?

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Kristy Hitchins – Empowering Women Through Her Martial Art Pink Belt Scholarship Program

Kristy Hitchens talks about how and why she founded the Pink Belt project in Australia, a  martial art scholarship for women in need, especially victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.In this interview. Listen here:—Empowering-Women-Through-The-Pink-Belt-Scholarship-Program-eluinl or here: She also discusses why women should learn martial arts, how she overcame a physical injury during her… Read More Kristy Hitchins – Empowering Women Through Her Martial Art Pink Belt Scholarship Program