Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

The Art in Martial Arts

Martial arts are usually associated with self-defense and physical techniques. That’s what most people see and think. Would it surprise you, then, if I tell you that martial art practice actually includes a very creative and artistic side?  Practically speaking, they are a combat art. Over time, however, many martial artists discover that the world of martial arts is immense and transcends the typical physical application. They become the art and a canvas for creative expression.

Unique Artistry

There are a variety of disciplines in martial arts from Karate to Capoeira. Each embodies its own unique artistry. Practitioners learn to  to master techniques, balance, and precision. These physical movements are a lot like  choreographed dances in a sense, where fluidity and rhythm are paramount. Don’t get spun into tizzy. I’m not calling martial arts a dance. But I do not think anyone can deny that martial art practice has movements that are choregraphed in order to learn technique and timing.  Through this, they also become a personal creative endeavor of self-improvement.




Think of martial arts as a form of self-expression. Martial artists use their bodies to communicate via their practice, through a swift and agile kick or a slow, deliberate stance. They adapt and evolve techniques and explore new strategies, styles, and experiences that push the boundaries of their art. They embrace the aesthetics of movement through precision in motion. In many ways, they make every strike, block, and pivot a carefully orchestrated and artistic display.

The true meaning of martial arts is understood. But, like so many things in life, when you view them from a different perspective or angle, they become exactly what you need them to be in your life. Beyond self-defense and the unique traditions that surround martial arts styles, each practitioner walks away from their practice with new experiences and a sense of purpose.

Trinity of Experiences

If you are a martial artist, step back and ask yourself what makes the practice of martial arts so important to you. If you engage body, mind and spirit fully, you engage martial art practice to its fullest. You start to feel the blend of these trinity of experiences take root. You understand that there is more than one way to look at anything, including martial arts.

Yes, they are defense and they are a demanding physical practice. More than that, they allow you to experience a new sense of self, a new perspective, and a positive force in your life. That, my friends, is the meaning of art.




NEW BOOK COMING SOON! Positive Weekly Reflections & Journal
Read a weekly intention and some insights then focus on yourself and write your thoughts on each intention. This is an incredible opportunity for you to focus on yourself for a few minutes each week.
Other Books and Podcast – Be inspired! 
The Martial Arts Woman:  https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Arts-Woman-Motivational-Stories/dp/1544916213
Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: https://www.amazon.com/Martial-Inspirations-Everyone-Andrea-Harkins/dp/150297830X
How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program: https://www.amazon.com/How-Start-Your-Martial-Program/dp/1511795263
Write Amazing Wedding Vows: https://www.amazon.com/Write-Amazing-Wedding-Step-Step/dp/172339484X
The Martial Arts Woman Podcast (on any major podcast platform and here): https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/andrea-harkins

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