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Let it Go

Regrets, anger, and grudges are like anchors that weigh down your happiness. They are like a black hole that saps your positivity and hinders your growth. It’s time to break free and start living a more positive and powerful life.

Difficult Emotions

I am not exempt from these difficult emotions. I vividly remember a moment when I was in college when a professor told me I wasn’t good enough to be a professional writer. That single sentence became a weight that held me back for years. Worse, I held a grudge against her and this grudge disrupted my otherwise positive mindset.

But here’s the truth. Carrying regrets and grudges serves no purpose and only steal valuable time from you. In the end, the only person you hurt is yourself. This is what I know now. It’s time to let it go. Petty grievances and lingering regrets are not worth the space they occupy your mind. They won’t lead you to your goals, happiness, or truth.

Break Free

So, how can you break free from this cycle of negativity? Begin by acknowledging that holding onto these emotions does more harm than good. Recognize that they have no positive benefit, drain your energy and limit your future.

The powerful mindset that I learned from my martial art practice eventually taught me the art of letting go. In the dojo, we learn to recognize our personal energy. To translate this to life, it teaches us that to move forward in life we must reprogram negative thoughts. Martial arts train your body to perform powerful moves but they also train your mind to release mental burdens in the moment. It’s up to you, though, the path forward that you choose.

Take These Steps

Here are a few steps to start your journey of letting go:

  1. Awareness: Recognize the impact of your regrets and grudges on your life.  They hold you back from your full potential.
  2. Forgiveness: Forgive yourself and others. Everyone, including yourself, is human and prone to mistakes.
  3. Focus on the Present: Channel your energy into the present moment. Redirect your thoughts when they drift towards the past.
  4. Martial Arts Mindset: Embrace the mindset of a martial artist. Use the discipline and mental fortitude like a martial artist to release negativity and focus on personal growth.
  5. Replace the Void with Positivity: Fill the void left by regrets and grudges with positive affirmations, constructive goals, and self-belief.

Letting go of regrets, anger or grudges is a powerful step toward a more positive life.  All you need to remember is that you will naturally release the negativity that holds you back if you focus on positivity in the moment.

Now’s the time to let it go.




More Inspiration here! Pick up one of my inspirational or how-to books and don’t forget to listen to The Martial Arts Woman Podcast. Links below!

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast (on any major podcast platform and here):


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