Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

The Negativity Treadmill

The negativity treadmill is an endless loop that leads nowhere, trapping you in a cycle of difficult thoughts and emotions. A treadmill is a tool for exercise; however it differs dramatically from the alternative of walking along a scenic path or jogging on a trail. The treadmill is utilitarian. A straight line with a single vision. A path, however, is a more personal and peaceful experience that cultivates new perspectives and a route that has a clear beginning and end, just like a goal.

Choosing positivity or a positive path, over negativity and its endless loop, leads to a life filled with new perspectives and opportunities. A negative treadmill provides a single, closed-vision line of sight that not only stifles you, it affects those around you. Negativity is a silent destroyer of joy and well-being. It drains your energy, clouds your judgment, and hinders your ability to see opportunities and solutions. When you constantly engage in negative self-talk and focus on the downside of every situation, you create a toxic environment in your mind which suffocates the potential for growth and happiness.

Even more importantly, negativity doesn’t just affect you; it impacts the people around you. Your  negative vibes are contagious because in many ways we are all more predisposed to a negative mindset.  Your negativity influences the moods and mindsets of others, strains relationships, creates tension in the workplace, and diminishes morale for those around you.

How can you end the endless loop of negativity? How do you change the endless loop to an open, expansive positive life? Here are a few ideas to consider:

Practice a Martial Art

One path that is positive is practicing a martial art. Martial arts are a powerful catalyst for personal growth and positivity. There is no end to what you can learn. Through this experience, the window of negativity slowly cracks and crumbles. Martial arts lead to a positive life because they promote mindfulness, self-awareness, goal-setting, achievement, discipline, resilience, respect and empathy. It’s an all-around form of self-betterment that helps you live a more powerful and positive life.

Practice Random Acts of Kindness Towards Strangers

Being kind to a stranger is a lot different from acts of kindness to family or friends. It has an unexpected impact on your positivity and overall happiness. An example is paying for someone’s coffee, leaving an uplifting note for a coworker, or offering a compliment to a passerby. These simple gestures brighten someone else’s day but also fill your heart with a sense of fulfillment and positivity. The anonymity of these acts creates a unique connection between you and the world around you. You begin to clearly see that your positivity truly does affect others in a good way.

Learn something new

You actually have an amazing ability to adapt to new scenarios all the time. One less known way to be positive is to actively engage in activities that allow you to adapt to new and positive situations, such as practicing a martial art (as mentioned above), learning a new instrument, trying a different style of dance, or mastering a new language. When you challenge your brain with new and exciting experiences, you foster a sense of accomplishment that leads  to a positive outlook on life.

The Journey

Embracing a path of positivity requires effort and consistency, just like any journey. The transformation won’t happen overnight, but with determination and practice, you can step off the treadmill of negativity and walk a path filled with new perspectives, personal growth, and genuine happiness.




Pick up one of my inspirational or how-to books and don’t forget to listen to The Martial Arts Woman Podcast. Links below!

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone book:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program book:

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast (on any major podcast platform and here):



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