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An Unrecognized Martial Art Benefit for Women

I knew the title would capture your eye.

There is no secret criteria for why women really need martial arts. We all know that self-defense and confidence-building is important. Without it, women are somewhat more vulnerable than men simply because of size or nature in the physical sense. Who can argue that an untrained woman who faces a male perpetrator who is 6 feet tall has any advantage whatsoever? If she is trained, she at least has a few significant options to defend herself.

Outside the realm of a physical attack, however, women need martial arts today more than ever because martial art practice provides more than the physical kicks and punches. It provides them with a mindset and aptitude to make better decisions in our complicated world. Making the right decisions in life is…well…everything.

The woman who learns martial arts  becomes a better decision maker. This is an unrecognized benefit partly because it is overshadowed by the more commonly known benefits such as fitness, confidence and defense. Training also provides women with a basis of self-importance and self-worth. Many factors contribute to a woman’s perspective of her life and self, such as upbringing, relationships and obstacles, and all affect her decision-making process. Most women who practice martial arts learn to recognize that their decisions are important and that they deserve respect, opportunity, and to be in control of their own destiny.

I just watched a show about a young girl (a minor aged girl) who fell prey to a male predator and was kidnapped. She was finally found after a year, still alive, living in a house in another state against her will. These types of things still happen and probably always will. Would she have felt differently or made a different decision if she practiced martial arts? Chances are that her confidence and skills may have helped her make a better decision, although, of course, there is no guarantee and there are exceptions to every rule. A martial art woman would hopefully hear her instructor’s commands in the back of her mind reminding her that she has the power to stand up for herself and that her safety is paramount.

While I understand that martial art training is not a fail safe for every scenario-gone-bad, I feel strongly that women  who train in martial arts for a period of time  recognize their value and importance and are less likely to allow others to push them around or to persuade them to do what they know is not in their best interest. Martial art training helps women thrive, not perish, because they learn skills to face their obstacles head on which improves their ability to make better decisions in life. Once they know they can overcome an obstacle, they also know that they can apply vigilance and diligence to actions and decisions in their lives.

Few ever mention “decision making” as an output of martial art training. But, I can attest that I have made many “better” decisions in my life since I began training in martial arts and self-defense. I don’t go to gas stations when it is dark. I keep a close look on my surroundings. I block people on social media who are clearly not connecting for the right reasons. I disengage from unnecessary or disruptive behaviors. I keep a social distance when possible, not because of COVID, but for my own personal safety.

These are my personal, conscious decisions that I make because of martial art training. They are not right for everyone, but they are right for me. What decisions are right for you? They may be completely different from mine. The important thing is that you know what is right for you, your boundaries, and that you consider what you might do if you realize you are in a vulnerable situation.

Today’s world is difficult to navigate. Women must empower themselves to make important decisions at any given moment, which may include avoiding a particular situation, fighting back if/when necessary, and defending against other unwanted situations. They may be at home, work, at school, at the gym or out shopping. Every scenario requires decision-making at some point.

I know your next question is why just focus on women? Don’t men and children need better decision-making skills, too?

Of course. But, this blog is mostly for and about women, so that’s why it focuses on  martial art training as a tool for better decision making for women.

With that in mind, when making ANY decision in your life, weigh the options and consequences and never let anyone sway you to do something with which you are not comfortable. Martial art training gives you the confidence to say no when necessary and that is one of the best decisions you can and will ever make.




Pick up my motivational books and listen to my podcast here:

The Martial Arts Woman book: https://amzn.to/3inNiuQ

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone: https://amzn.to/3irRjyy

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program: https://amzn.to/3zf0aJB

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast: https://anchor.fm/andrea-harkins

11 thoughts on “An Unrecognized Martial Art Benefit for Women

      1. And Mrs. O’Connell was 5’6 and 135 pounds and was 31 years old and her attacker and would be rapist Marine Corporal Magirl was 6 feet tall and 170 or 175 pounds and was 51 years old, so it’s amazing and a blessing that she was able to defend herself and she saved the lives of so many would be future victims, she didn’t just take out a serial rapist, SHE TOOK OUT A HIGHLY TRAINED SOLDIER! It reminds me of the story of David and Goliath, have a blessed evening and note women need to learn martial arts especially jiu-jitsu because that’s the move that she did on him, and more women also need to know how to disarm their attackers and use their weapons against them! Have a blessed night and be safe!

      2. And also, this is the move that she used to overpower him, it’s a Jiu Jitsu move, “Plant one foot down,put one foot on his hip,kick him off in the direction of your foot that is planted!” She did this while she was still holding on to the gun, and she was 5’6, 135 pounds and 31 years old while the battles hardened serial rapist who fought in Vietnam for the United States was over 6 feet tall, 175 pounds and 51 years old! And she was also barefoot when she bested him! And later on she became a police officer for the New Mexico police for 15 years than she took over for her father’s company, which is called ERGOGRIPS, which makes grips and other accessories for guns!

  1. This article was quite interesting to me since it highlighted a frequently neglected benefit of martial arts for women. It’s wonderful to see how martial arts can assist women learn the abilities and mindset needed to defend themselves in real-life situations. I like how the author emphasizes the need of selecting a martial arts programme that focuses on real self-defense tactics rather than merely sport or competition. As a woman who has practiced martial arts for many years, I can attest to the confidence and empowerment it can bring. The article is an excellent resource for any woman considering starting martial arts or looking to advance her skills.

  2. Great post, Andrea! I agree. Training can help in so many ways. I think the training (and trusting) of instincts that comes over time is a valuable thing for us women. We might not consciously know why we are making decisions in the moment – our conscious processing might not have kicked in yet, particularly if we haven’t yet developed the critical thought processes this might require – but our split-second decisions can help us to avoid unpleasant scenarios and maybe even danger (we’ll not always know for sure what we’ve avoided!). Martial arts is of course not fool proof. The training environment plays a role too… the teacher’s ethics and guidance, the peer group. We can get tired and lose our judgment in extreme situations. There is also plain old bad luck. But the advantage training might offer is worth the effort of showing up!

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