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Pick Your Passion

I never understood “passion” until I wrote my first martial art magazine article.  When I wrote that article, two passions collided, writing and martial arts.  I realized then that I had passion all along that I never embraced. It never made sense and never clicked until that moment.

Honestly, being published was an opportunity of a lifetime, Even greater, the magazine editor told me that I was a talented writer. These were the first positive words about my martial art writing that I ever heard. They were especially encouraging since  this editor was a stickler for the way he wanted articles written, what to include, and how to organize the words.

My passion was ignited. I never even considered combining my love for martial arts and writing until I read the advertisement in the martial art industry magazine that sought “martial arts writers.”  I rounded up some courage to give myself a chance and it worked. I found out that I had talent and that drove my passion for martial arts, positivity, and writing even further. After that first of many articles and at the insistence of a friend, I started my blog (yes, this blog!). In just a short while, my passions moved from the shadows to the forefront of my life.

This all brings me back to you.  Are you still waiting on the sidelines to discover your passion? It is not going to fall from the sky (Yeah, I’d like that, too!). Instead, you need to take a few chances and a few risks outside your comfort zone, just as I did with the magazine article. From there, you find new and amazing adventures, or at least a direction you know that you should OR should not follow.

There is no need to wait for someone to validate your talents, as I did.  I could have engaged writing opportunities much sooner. I wasted a lot of valuable time not giving myself credit for what I felt compelled to do. I pushed a creative outlet aside over and over thinking I was not good enough. That is always the barrier, isn’t it? You compare yourself to others. You think you cannot do it. You wonder if you are good enough.

What I discovered and what is very important for you to know is that passion has no criteria. There is no checklist  that identifies why, how or if you should be passionate about something. Every person has undiscovered passion, purpose, and talents. You learn so much about yourself when you finally unearth them. This allows you to find personal fulfillment.

Martial arts are another example of how I waited to be encouraged or invited before trying something new.  It took the prompting of another person to persuade me to enter the dojo. If it had been up to me, I would be too worried about not being accepted by the other students or too fearful of making a mistake. I would have never tried.

What I learned shocked me.

I learned that martial arts were perfect for the “mistakers” (I made up this word – “those who make mistakes”) like me. It felt like the doors swung wide open when I approached the dojo. I had every insecurity and fear about learning a martial art that there is. I was a white belt, a lost soul, a non-believer in myself, but there I was.

Then another discovery happened. I noticed that there are students with flaws, bad habits, difficult lives, negativity and lack of self-confidence just like me. The discovery shocked me because I thought I was the only one.

Looking back, I recognize that this is the best starting point for any martial artist. I melted into the rows of students who were already familiar with the protocols, stretches and momentum of the class. We all looked the same as we stood in attention stance in our crisp uniforms except for belt colors that distinguished the beginners from the experienced. At that moment we were separated by experience but connected in almost every other way.

We all had fears.  We all had dreams. We all had sadness.  We all had frustrations.  We all had joy.  We all had hope. Each and every emotion  filled the dojo. I fit in. Whether joyous or discouraged, I had a place.

For many, passion sits layers deep, pushed aside because of life, responsibilities, and commitments.  My writing sat dormant for a long time. Surprisingly, my passion for martial arts brought my writing alive. That is how it works.  One passion builds upon another, from a base layer to more layers. Goals and dreams build upon passion if you allow yourself some time to discover your gifts.

Passion does not require perfection. It does not need to be documented or explained. It is yours and yours alone. You must, however, take the first step. Start by looking within to seek the person you’ve always wanted to be.  What do you see? Are you living through worry and fear or do you allow passion and purpose to emerge?

My advice is simple because there is not much to it. Slow down for a moment. Take a look inside. Then, pick your passion and build upon it.




Pick up my motivational books and listen to my podcast here:

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program:

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast:

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