Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

15 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Martial Art

1.  Being a Know It All Please, please don’t walk into any martial art school thinking you already know it all.  If you’ve had other training, that is fantastic! Anyone who already has the basic concepts is well ahead of the game.  But, guess what? Every school and program is different.  What took you two… Read More 15 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Martial Art

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

5 Things You Must Stop Believing

You and I are the same in many ways.  You have your good belief systems and your strong personality traits and I have mine.  You think that is enough to get you through your life in a happy and productive way.  I agree, for the most part.  Those things are important. At one point in… Read More 5 Things You Must Stop Believing

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

I’ve been involved in martial arts for twenty-six years and during that time I’ve been passionate about helping women understand awareness and how they can be safer in their lives. Thankfully, nothing bad has ever happened to me and I hope the same for you…but just in case it ever comes up, here are a… Read More Video Highlights From My Recent Awareness and Self-Defense Talk

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Self Defense

8 Diaper Bag Defenses for Moms

Moms are like superheros. They can do everything.  Work. Change Diapers. Drive. Feed. Dry tears. Comb hairs. Dress. Design. Shop. Engage. Smile. Hug. Love. All of these wonderful mom behaviors are perfect and necessary, but interfere with awareness and self-protection. Moms are tired (a lot), always busy, rushing, and unable to divert their attention away… Read More 8 Diaper Bag Defenses for Moms

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

3 Self Defense Barriers Women Must Overcome

Confident and Empowered I wish that every woman was strong, confident, focused and empowered.  It takes some practice and maybe even a self-defense or martial arts class or two to make that happen.  You are not born confident or empowered, you learn it.  You can learn it in the way you were raised, by how… Read More 3 Self Defense Barriers Women Must Overcome

Encouragement, Karate, Motivational, Reader, Self Defense

Martial Arts Tips for Non-Martial Artists

You don’t know if you will ever face a physical altercation at some point in your life.  I have never had to physically defend myself, but I feel fairly certain that I would give a good fight back.  At least with my martial arts training I’m confident in that I can punch or kick and… Read More Martial Arts Tips for Non-Martial Artists

Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Reader, Self Defense

4 Reasons Martial Art Women Are Empowered

Martial Arts Empower I am the first to say that martial arts are for everyone.  They are an awesome way by which to live life and a great way to better yourself. They are an activity that joins the body and the mind together in a powerful way. They can be used for defense, for… Read More 4 Reasons Martial Art Women Are Empowered

Karate, Self Defense

Easy Front Choke Hold Defenses (A Video Blog)

Click on the video at the bottom of the page to watch! Friends, as a martial artist, I learn many complicated, difficult defenses to various kinds of grabs.  They are fun to learn and many have several steps that need to be done in order for the defense to even work!  It takes a lot… Read More Easy Front Choke Hold Defenses (A Video Blog)

Encouragement, Karate, Reader, Self Defense

5 Self-Defense Concepts Adapted From Martial Arts

There is a difference between my martiual art and self-defense classes.  Although components of martial arts are in self-defense, when I teach self-defense, the strict rules are removed and the basic, general concepts are taught. In martial art class, students do not have to fight to save their lives; rather, they are learning the intricacies of an art… Read More 5 Self-Defense Concepts Adapted From Martial Arts

Encouragement, Karate, Self Defense

3 Great Reasons to Try a Martial Art

There are many reasons to take a martial art.  Here are three of my favorites:  Self Protection- Women, we’re physically smaller and less strong than men, overall.  That puts us at an immediate disadvantage if we want to protect ourselves.  Is it likely some thug is going to jump out from a dark street corner… Read More 3 Great Reasons to Try a Martial Art