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Change How You Think

You don’t need to change your whole personality in order to refine your thoughts. In fact, every bit of who you are should remain intact, even if you wish to convert your negative mindset to something more positive. Your personality is made up of so many different factors. Your emotional stance, mannerisms, eye color, voice, and fingerprint are uniquely yours. None of that needs to be altered. Consider your unique spirit and the fact that there is no one else like you on the entire planet. That is cause to celebrate, not to change!

What you should consider altering is your outlook and perspective, if they haven’t been refreshed lately. You know that refresh button on the computer? On occasion you need to use it in your life. It may open up a new page that you had not previously considered.

Your perspective is not the same as your personality. Rather, it is developed over time and not always in the most positive way. That is why today, as you read this, you may suddenly realize that you’ve lost some optimism, hope, or positivity over time. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

There is always room for positive change when it comes to mindset. We are all predisposed to negativity in one way or another. Whether it be how we see ourselves, others, or the world around us, we tend to focus on what is bad, instead of what is good. We look in the mirror and criticize, or we look at others with negative comparison, or we believe that the world is a horrible place. That, my friends, is not the best way to live your life.

I can’t provide you with rainbows and unicorns. Those kinds of happy ideals don’t exist. Happiness has to be more concrete, with a clear path. To say, “I want to be happy,” is not enough. Words are important, but unless you make the change within, their meanings are limited.

I find it hard to believe, and you may also, that years ago, I was a negative person. On a good day, I probably hovered between negative and positive. My husband helped me to navigate my thought process to something better. That, coupled with martial art training, gave me the foothold that I needed to change things around.

I was not a martial artist interested in competition, or standing out. As a young adult in my late 20’s, I wanted to find the secret to happiness and positivity. That’s when I learned that no one else can make you happy. I also learned that I had suppressed my desire for happiness for various reasons – lack of confidence, shyness, and insecurities. That is why, when I started to practice martial arts, I was able to turn negativity around. It takes a self-confidence and a self-belief to decide that happiness is the right choice for you. You need to see yourself in a new light. You are still you, with all your original gifts and talents, but now, with positivity, you are even better.

You can’t change your personality traits, but you can change your thought process and your actions. In tandem, those changes will help you discover what is positive and meaningful in your life. From there, the world around you starts to look a lot more encouraging.

You don’t need to change yourself, or even the world. You just need to change the way you think.




My new book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available. Purchase through my e-commerce store: or on Amazon!

The Martial Arts Woman shares the stories and insights of more than twenty-five women in the martial arts, and how they apply martial arts to their lives. Unlike most other martial art books, the reader will catch a glimpse into the brave and empowered woman who dares to be all that she can be. Many of these women had to overcome great societal or personal challenges to break into the men’s world of martial arts. This book will motivate and inspire you to go after your goals in life and to fight through every challenge and defeat every obstacle. The Martial Arts Woman will open your eyes to the power of the human spirit and the martial art mindset that dwells in each of us!


Andrea F. Harkins is a  writer, motivator, life coach, martial artist, and public speaker. Her book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available at or on Amazon!

Andrea is Internationally known for her positivity through martial arts efforts and outreach, and her writing. She is currently a contributor for Think Positive Magazine, as well as a columnist for Martial Arts Illustrated UK, The Martial Arts Guardian (UK), the World Martial Arts Magazine, MASUCCESS, Conflict Manager, Martial Arts Business (Australia), The Parrish Village News, and her blog, The Martial Arts Woman.  Contact her through this website’s CONTACT ME page for information on public speaking, autographs, and life coaching.

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