Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Mistakes Happen For a Reason

Have you ever felt like a mistake ended up being a good thing? I suppose that doesn’t happen very often.  Mistakes usually mean you’ve done something wrong, or something is not the way it should be.  It’s uncomfortable to make a mistake, especially once you realize you’ve made one.  You start to hope no one notices or judges you.  You wish there was a way to erase it.  But, there is no getting around a mistake once it happens.

You would be foolish to think you will never make an error.  It’s human nature to have make a mistake every now and again.  How you handle it is as important as anything.  If you make a mistake and carry a grudge about it, you only harm yourself.  If you carry anger or hatred or mistrust because of a mistake, you lose some of the goodness from your life.  On occasion, though, a mistake happens that actually feels right in the end.  A mistrust becomes a trust; a failure becomes a success; a disappointment makes sense.


If someone asked me a few months ago why I decided to start blogging, I’d have a couple of answers.   One is that I felt a calling to combine my love for martial arts with my life experiences to help others find a different way to view and approach life, especially when facing issues and challenges.  Was it a mistake to have never realized that before?  Was it a mistake to let so much time go by before I faced a yearning to inspire others?  Was it a fear that others would not want to read anything I wrote?

It really doesn’t matter now.  Mistake or not, I finally realized one honest truth about myself, and that is, it doesn’t matter anymore if I am ridiculed or rejected.  If one person gets something from what I write, then the only mistake with which I have to contend is if I decide one listener is no longer good enough.

One listener is as good as a million.  So, I’m still in.

My yearning to inspire started many, many years ago.   Back when I was a young girl, I would sit for hours and play guitar and write songs and sing.  I thought there would be someone, someday, who would want to listen to my messages of hope and love and new beginnings.  That did not work out. It did give me the basis for writing poetry, songs, and motivational blogs that I still write today.  Giving up on all these talents and forms of expression?  Now, that would be a terrible mistake.

So, it’s your turn to do the same.  Don’t make the same mistake I did and wait for just the right time or the right circumstance to be who you want to be.  Take a moment to find inspiration.  Look into your past to see your future.  We all leave remnants of ourselves in our past.  There comes a day when those thoughts and desires start to surface again.  Yearnings from long ago that become relevant again.  Music? Writing? Art? Sports? Love? What is yours?  Hear a voice?  See a vision?  Follow it.

As long as the intent is good, I promise, there is no mistake in doing that.

Some Mistakes are Worth It

There are many times when you really can’t make a mistake.  Here are a few:

  • There is no mistake in trying.
  • There is no mistake in wanting to see the world as a good and caring place.
  • There is no mistake in believing you can make a difference.
  • There is no mistake in giving 100% when something is important to you.

I’ve met many friends since starting my blog and each time I am inspired.  Their stories and personalities become part of me and spill over into my writing and into my life.  Perhaps it is happenstance or luck that I meet such interesting people, but clearly, it is no mistake.  I’ve met a few people recently, and they have literally changed my life for the better.  Their kind words of encouragement, like a nod of approval, helps to confirm that I am on the right track.  You probably need a nod of approval, too.  Look for it.  Chances are it is there waiting for your recognition.

People are brought into your life for a reason.  They touch a particular chord, even help you find passion and meaning.  Even those who cause you problems or seem to stand in your way have a purpose.  It’s no mistake that they have been placed in your life to help you implement difficult virtues like patience and even forgiveness.

Accepting others, finding greatness in the mundane, and diverting negativity is great advice.  You and I should work on this.  Make no mistake, though.  Even though I am the one providing this advice, don’t get the wrong impression about me.  None of this means I am positive all the time or inspired all the time.  Does a doctor take his own advice? Does a psychiatrist not have problems?  Does an athlete not experience burn out?  I’m right there in the mix with you trying to understand my life and identifying the good and bad mistakes.

We each have a personal message to uphold.  The one I heard for me was:

 You will need to push through your own shortcomings and difficulties in order to be the person who you want to be.

There is no mistaking the voice that penetrates in your heart and following it is always right.


Inspiration Across the Board

Who are you and what is your story?  I bet you fail to recognize the magnificence that is inside of you.  Your life story may sound typical to you, but I guarantee you that I can find something significant and amazing about it.  The details about you inspire me.  Your personal journey is like no other. Each moment of your life is a three-dimensional version of you that can never be replicated.  How can there not be some kind of magnificence in that?

I often refer to my martial art journey as a spiritual, personal journey.  I often gloss over the physicality of it.  I fail to acknowledge that it is also a very demanding journey at this level of black belt and of teaching.  Teaching still requires a lot of flexibility, agility, and aerobic ability and I often short change that. It takes others to remind me that any level of martial art-ism is miles above the general public.  It’s something about me that deserves a little more personal acknowledgment and appreciation.  I take it for granted and taking anything for granted is always a fault.

Often, you cannot find true inspiration until you have stopped taking things for granted.  Then, on its own, your passion flourishes.  If you are wondering why you feel stuck in life, why it’s hard to identify any particular direction, chances are you are too busy taking things for granted.  You are missing the moment and focusing on what may not be important.  Don’t make that mistake.

The lesson is that when you explore, accept, and utilize your personal magnificence, you will also inspire others and you will find direction and purpose.

The Wrong Mistakes

Forgetting your worth is a mistake. Your talents, dreams, destiny, and mission in life are unique. If you do not let your talents shine then you are stifling your very essence and you are greedily holding back the part of you that should be shared with others. People need you. They need to see you as an example of personal clarity and success.  It starts with how you view yourself.  Once you build your true self, you will be an inspiration for those wanting to do the same.

I often mention how it took me many, many years to finally have the confidence to start writing and call myself a writer, to speak in public and not be worried about failure, and to learn how to overcome difficult moments using a positive mindset. There is no reason for you to wait years to overcome your challenges because I am genuine when I say it is time wasted.  That is a huge mistake.  

Believe me when I say that we spend a lot of time in life worrying, hoping, expecting, when we should be enjoying, believing, and doing.

If you make this mistake, then it is time to  recognize that struggle and re-invent it into a productive situation.

Thankful for Mistakes

In a strange way, I am thankful for many of the mistakes I have made because they brought me to this point and this place where I am called to share my personal stories, visions, and martial art mindset.  I’ve accepted that I’ve been given a calling to work toward this goal.  I’m thankful for all of the people who have unexpectedly popped into my life by what seemed like an accident.  Those who have personally encouraged me to move forward in my writing and my blogging and my videos.  Those who make me feel like a new, energized person each day.

Some mistakes are not mistakes at all.  When you recognize and appreciate that, you will realize that all mistakes should be examined closely.  Not every mistake will count against you.  Even bad mistakes can work in your favor. What appears a mistake may actually have a purpose.

There is no mistake in seeking happiness or fulfillment and no mistake in allowing yourself to seek passion.  Your life plan is yours and yours alone.  There are mistakes that you can avoid and some that you should even realize before you make them. In the overall scheme, you learn from each and every misjudgment and faux pas.  I guess you could say that making a mistake always has a positive side.

Mistake-free?  Never.  Learn from mistakes?  Always. Some mistakes are worth making?  Yes.




My new book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available. Purchase through my e-commerce store: or on Amazon!

The Martial Arts Woman shares the stories and insights of more than twenty-five women in the martial arts, and how they apply martial arts to their lives. Unlike most other martial art books, the reader will catch a glimpse into the brave and empowered woman who dares to be all that she can be. Many of these women had to overcome great societal or personal challenges to break into the men’s world of martial arts. This book will motivate and inspire you to go after your goals in life and to fight through every challenge and defeat every obstacle. The Martial Arts Woman will open your eyes to the power of the human spirit and the martial art mindset that dwells in each of us!


Andrea F. Harkins is a  writer, motivator, life coach, martial artist, and public speaker. Her book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available at or on Amazon!

Andrea is Internationally known for her positivity through martial arts efforts and outreach, and her writing. She is currently a columnist for Martial Arts Illustrated UK, The Martial Arts Guardian (UK), the World Martial Arts Magazine, MASUCCESS, Conflict Manager, Martial Arts Business (Australia), The Parrish Village News, and her blog, The Martial Arts Woman.  Contact her through this website’s CONTACT ME page for information on public speaking, autographs, and life coaching.

3 thoughts on “Mistakes Happen For a Reason

  1. What a heartwarming post! I’m really enjoying your book too. The stories of other women and your own shine a bright torch on the female martial artist’s path. Thank you for sharing your writing with us all!

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