Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Never Give Up

The Right Choice

A lot of people wonder why I choose positivity. Yes, it’s a choice, and not always an easy one. Like you and many others, I am predisposed to a negative mindset and must muddle my way to something more positive.  Years ago, I easily gave up on myself. Giving up seemed like a good option when I was uncertain of myself or didn’t want to face potential failure. If something wasn’t working out, I easily walked away from it and chalked it up to it not being the right choice for me.

I wonder now how many of those choices were the right ones. Instead, I accepted the infusion of negativity in my  mind and the subtle thoughts that made me think I was not worth it.

Find Your Thing

There comes a time in life when you must find tools to help you become the person you want to be. Although I stumbled upon martial arts and only began because my husband wanted me to try them, a new world opened up for me. There, I saw that hard work and effort truly make a difference. After not too long, I learned the most important lesson, that hiding in the shadows and fear of failure held me back.

Maybe martial arts are not your thing (although in the back of my mind I think they should be!). The question to ask yourself is, what is your thing? What is the light at the end of your tunnel, the turning point that allows you to drive yourself forward? My advice is to find it now so one day you do not wake up regretful that you never tried.

Martial Art Mindset

For me, it wasn’t necessarily the kicking, punching, forms and sparring in martial arts that improved my mindset. Rather, it was the focus, perseverance, and confidence. Those key components helped me begin the journey I always wanted to take. It meant that mistakes were okay as long as I continued to move forward. Failures became lessons learned. I learned to cope with difficulties and, more importantly, accept who I am and strive for who I want to be.  My desires to be a writer from my earlier years emerged more so than ever. My career path became clearer. My negativity slowly vanished into a more hopeful outlook.

My martial art journey began in 1989 in my mid-twenties. Every time I earned a new belt, I recognized the opportunities and responsibilities set before me. I got so nervous before every test. I thought about turning around and driving back home on my way to the tests. Fear of failure wanted to guide me, but I knew that I could not let it. I pushed through and didn’t give up. One day, I earned a black belt.

If you wrap all this up into just a few words, I decided to not give up.

Find the Right Tools for You

Don’t give up on your hopes and dreams. You have a unique vision and purpose unlike anyone else, although you may need a gentle push to move forward.  Perhaps these words are what you need today to be reminded that you do not need to give up. Not now. Not ever. You may need to alter a plan, try a few different things, or make a few changes here and there, but none should deter you from the direction you choose. Allow yourself to be flexible. Remind yourself to choose positivity. State the mantra, “I will succeed” every chance you get. Find the tools that work for you, such as learning a martial art, reading positive posts, seeking a mentor, or writing a journal.

I believe that you will find the success that you crave once you cultivate a more positive outlook in your life. The martial art mindset helps me and it allows me to believe in myself. I have seen many people transformed through their martial art practice and it changes their lives for the better, forever.

Step Out

Step out today knowing that giving up on yourself is never the right option. If you have a goal or dream, pursue it and never let it go. When I was a child, I thought I would change the world one day by writing and sharing songs.  I suppose being a music star is a dream many children have. While that didn’t quite work out,  I found a way to write and podcast, instead. I like to think that, in some small way, I change the world for the better because of it. I never saw that until I learned to persevere and overcome.

Final Thoughts

My final thoughts are this. Take a good look at your life right now. Are you ready to embrace your present and your future?  Are you prepared to make the choices that you truly want to make? Just as you choose what to eat for breakfast, what time to run errands, or how to spend your free time, make these choices:

  • Believe in Yourself
  • Pursue Your Dreams
  • Never Give Up

Choosing positivity and not giving up takes effort and hard work. But I know that if I can do it, so can you.




Pick up my motivational books and listen to my podcast here:

The Martial Arts Woman book:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:

How to Start Your Own Martial Art Program:

The Martial Arts Woman Podcast:



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