Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader, Self Defense

No More Doubt

The brutal honest truth is that doubt sets you up for failure.

Remember, you become what you believe to be true. That’s right. If you believe you are a failure, you become a failure and fall into the depths of becoming exactly who you NEVER wanted to be.

Doubt and negativity become a stronghold on your life that remove positive, amazing, generous, and triumphant possibilities. Doubt wipes dreams and desires away like an eraser over a chalkboard. Aspirations dim and you see yourself as ordinary. Not many realize that doubt and negativity are this debilitating. This scenario sounds super bleak and discouraging, doesn’t it? Then don’t let it be you!

For most, doubt and negativity ebb and flow. If you keep them in check, you may keep some semblence of balance in your life. Even better, learn to tip the scale in your favor by minimizing doubt and negativity into miniscule moments that dissipate as soon as they begin.

Whever you are today, look in the mirror and ask yourself who you see. If it is not the person you want to be, decide that enough is enough. It is time to rise above. Put doubt, shame, and shyness aside for a minute. Who do you want to see? You may have misplaced your truth or your faith, but you CAN regain it and you ARE worthy. Others believe in you (well, I do!). The first step to starting over is to acknowledge and accept that doubt, despair, and negativity prevent you from living the life you want to live.

There are really only three choices, two of which you should cross off the list – so I guess that only leaves one. But, decide for yourself (and don’t let me sway you):

Do nothing and accept it (bad, bad choice!)

Doubt that you can ever change (even worse bad choice!)

Realize that now is the time for self-improvement (Yes, yes, yes!)

The first two choices create deeper doubt. If I know anything about you it is that you do not want to make a bad situation worse or to allow doubt and negativity to consume you any longer!

Here’s the lesson, friends. Complacency and lack of effort never bring joy, happiness, or success. Look around at those who excel and how they make their dreams come true. They are self-motivated and desire each day to be better than the day before. They take risks, large and small, to push their limits and evolve. There is no overnight success. A black belt can attest to that! You begin by following one small dream or passion like painting, dancing, exercise, writing, smiling, or sharing. Maybe that dream or passion is to learn martial arts. Excellent choice, and here is why.

Martial arts offer encouragement and improvement. Practitioners become more fit and healthy, learn to defend, are courageous, push their limits, and experience a jolt of success. They progress through rank or levels simply by practicing. They are encouraged and inspired by other martial artists. They begin to apply consistency in life and demand personal excellence. Somehow, in the mix of it all, doubt escapes and negativity vanishes. They stand tall knowing that they can achieve and overcome at every juncture. Their new self emerges and from then on they never, ever want to see doubt and negativity again.

In essence, Martial arts help you curb doubt by developing your mind, body, and spirit. It takes committment to train and effort to advance. Practice is an opportunity to grow tronger and improve. A warrior spirit emerges that you never knew was within. Slowly, you change negative thoughts to positive ones.

In a world where everything is changing, martial arts provide a steady ground. Even during a pandemic when people cannot meet face to face, instructors and students make it happen. No matter what, white belts advance through different ranks. One day they reach the level when they recognize that martial art training is full circle, a lifelong endeavor, never ending and never finished. A black belt is the beginning and not the end. Now they know that confidence and bravery makes all the difference.

When it comes to feeling doubtful, you are not alone! There were years when I doubted myself. It is a natural tendency to believe that you can never be good enough to learn a new skill, advance in a job, or follow a dream. I never thought I would be a martial artist. I never thought I would express positivity to thousands of people. I never knew I would write a book. That is because I doubted myself. It wasn’t until later in my life when I woke up and realized, “Doubt is stopping me from being the person I want to be.”

You are destined for personal greatness! We all have the same opportunity if we only grab it, but it requires trust and belief. Everyone is born with unique talents, capabilities, gifts and skills. Recognize yours and when doubt inches its way into your mind, delete it as easily as you delete a photo on Instagram or a post on Facebook. Click, click….make the deletion.

Let no one and nothing cause you to doubt your unique spirit and abilities. Replace doubt with hope and optimism. Stop negativity from invading your life. Whatever challenge or passion you decide to pursue, give it your all and allow it the chance to flourish. Today is a new day. It is the day for which you have been waiting. Doubt and negativity no longer belong in your life because you make the choice to begin anew without regret.

You set yourself up for success when you believe in yourself. That’s right. If you believe in yourself, you are a success. End of story.




**** Exciting News!***Check out my new podcast! The first episode explains what the podcast is all about: Launch Day is June 3, 2020 featuring 3 amazing martial art women!

Pick up one of my motivational books:

The Martial Arts Woman:…/…/1544916213

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:…/…/150297830X

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