Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Reader

The Storm

no accident

There is a storm always brewing, isn’t there? The recent hurricane in Florida and other coastal areas is a perfect example of how storms form, and follow unpredictable paths. They create stress and anxiety for our safety, or the safety of our loved ones. We try to anticipate what will happen, but we cannot.

Thankfully, I am safe, but I don’t know how everyone else fared. Devastation is not something we readily want to explore. How do we keep positive in moments of worry and despair?

The hurricane is not unlike the storms in our own minds. Martial arts taught me how to control some of those storms, by always recreating the memories of when I broke through boards, barriers, and obstacles in class. I recall the moments when something finally clicked, and I knew I was on the right path. There were many times when I could not perform the skill until I had practiced it over and over. There are many techniques that are still difficult for me, but they are challenges, not storms.

Being positive in any storm, whether it is the weather kind, or the kind in your mind, is difficult, but doable. It is about thinking positively going into a situation, and reacting positively on the other side of it.

First, be thankful for you and your situation. Your positive energy is needed for those who have suffered in this hurricane, or in any weather event. It is great to care or want to help, but do not use despair and negativity as a response. For natural disasters, none of us has control. The best we can do is prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. For those stuck in the midst, we need to send positive energy and hope that they will make it through.

For your life and the world around you, it is time to change how and what you see. Dwelling on what is not right will never make you feel better. In fact, it will always carry you deeper into despair. When you allow yourself to be positive, you also allow yourself to see opportunity or potential. You are more likely to take actions that are meaningful and purposeful to you. But, it all takes a step or an action and that is usually the barrier to entry for positivity. Taking the first step requires believing.

No storm that creates havoc is a good thing. We can’t control the weather, but we can control the storms in our own minds. Often, I kick away my stress and my worry, as evidenced by my frequent kick practice. Or, I attend class for a couple of hours and think about nothing but practicing skills and techniques. These positive actions help me control my personal storms.

My prayers go out to all who were in the wake of the recent hurricane. I don’t see it as a positive event, but my job is to be a reminder of positivity and hope, no matter what. If we each take this responsibility to heart, we can eliminate the negative reactions and replace them with reactions of compassion. There is a difference between the two. Negativity and compassion are at different ends of the spectrum. Neither can change a real weather event, but one can bring others down, and the other can raise them up through caring.

Whatever storm is brewing for you, just remember that there are many options. You can head directly into its path, or find a way around it. Some weather events give us time to prepare, too.Whatever storm comes your way, whatever battle you must engage, do it with the best mindset that you can. Many times your attitude and mindset will  help you through a difficult time, and allow you to prepare, endure, and overcome the storms that come your way.





Andrea F. Harkins is a  writer, motivator, life coach, martial artist, and public speaker. sHE is Internationally known for her writing and her positivity through martial arts efforts and outreach. he is currently a columnist for Martial Arts Illustrated UK, The Martial Arts Guardian (UK), the World Martial Arts Magazine, MASUCCESS, Conflict Manager, Martial Arts Business (Austrailia), The Parrish Village News, and her blog, The Martial Arts Woman.  Contact her through this website’s CONTACT ME page for information on public speaking, autographs, and life coaching.

 Andrea’s book, The Martial Arts Woman, available for purchase SOON!

The Martial Arts Woman, shares the stories and insights of more than twenty-five women in the martial arts, and how they apply martial arts to their lives. Unlike any other martial art book, the reader will catch a glimpse into the brave and empowered woman who dares to be all that she can be. Many had to overcome great societal or personal obstacles to just be allowed to practice. This book enlightens and inspires. After reading it, you will realize the power of the human spirit and the martial art mindset that dwells in all of us



7 thoughts on “The Storm

  1. Another positive column about the terrible storms that faced us about Hurricane Matthew. Yes, we were prepared for the worst and were lucky that we just had the least in its path. Prayers are so important to help us and I do pray so often as you know. But as you so eloquently put it, it is your mindset. I learned this week that your mindset is the most important thing to have on your side. If you have a positive mindset, that is half the battle won. If you become a positive person, a happy person, a loving person, all the things the Lord wants you to be, you can avoid all the negative things in life without even trying or have to be near. The negative people, the negative thoughts, the negative energy, will no longer be in your path. So, your mindset will focus on the things that you can focus on. Do I make myself clear to you? I hope so because it is so new and exciting to me. I am just learning and experiencing it and trying to be! See if you can tell the next time we talk in person. I still have my negative moments but I am trying not to have them. Let me know if you can tell the next time we talk. I know this is a long message but I wanted to let you know how you effect me! Can you tell I always wanted to be a writer, too! Ha Ha!

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