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Bad Things Happen to Good People

Bad things happen to good people. I think we all know that. I am no different. I have had my share of losses, difficulties, obstacles, regrets, worries, and fears. Human nature hands us this smorgasbord of experiences and within each recipe is room for error or unexpected situations. I’ve had miscarriages, fires at my home, financial woes, and cried tears of heartache. Like you, I experienced anguish and loss.

While it sounds disheartening, do not get me wrong. None of these difficult moments last. Between the fears, doubts, losses and difficulties, there is space to cultivate new beginnings, hope, and success. In fact, the obstacles sometimes tear us down to the point where growth is the only option and so we pick up the pieces and move on and recognize that we are strong and cannot be defeated. We are resilient, no matter what life hands us. We reflect, adjust and heal with time.

If you are a martial artist, you have some valuable tools to use. But, even if you are not a martial artist, there are several lessons I can share with you about what martial arts have taught me (a good person) and how I’ve learned to deflect even the most troubled times.

First, perseverance is clearly one of the most valuable tenets of martial arts.  This is the ability to continue or keep going, despite obstacles. In a physical sense, the martial art “workout” is physically demanding and if you persevere, you eventually see that you can keep going. There is a mind-over-matter that takes over. You tell yourself to keep going because even though this moment is difficult or tough, you can break a barrier in your own personal life. This thought alone gives you courage and strength.

So, wherever you are right now in your life journey – whether joyful or sorrowful or somewhere in between – the truth is that if you continue on with hope and a desire to overcome,  you can and will persevere.

Indomitable spirit is another martial art tenet that springs forward if we allow it. Deep within we all have this spirit. It means that you never give up or do not allow yourself to be defeated. Defeat, however, is not the same as lack of success. Defeat means you give up. Lack of success means many things one of which is that you tried and gave 100% but something did not quite work out. I’ve tried many things that did not work out. If you do not try and take new risks, you never find success.

When you face the lack of success, summon this indomitable spirit that is inside of you. When a bad thing happens to you, a good person, call upon it to give you strength and pull you through. You will be surprised at how strong you really are.

These two great martial art tenets are not just for martial artists. In many ways we are all called to use them whenever we find ourselves stuck, lost, or unsure. Martial arts use them to describe the character of a martial artist because the martial artist is called to rise above ordinary. Martial artists are meant to be role models and pillars of integrity. Those who apply perseverance and indomitable spirit lead the way for all of us.

Bad things happen that are out of our control. I have experienced many of the same difficulties as you. But, every time I fall, I grasp the tail of perseverance and indomitable spirit and allowed them to lift me back up.

What do you face right now? Time passes and allows you to heal and begin again. I know this because I’ve done it many times over. The truth is that there are many more wonderful and wondrous moments in life than there are bad ones. Follow your hopes and dreams and use a martial art mindset. This is the base for a powerful life, no matter what happens.  Love and hope always create a space for you to move forward in a positive direction.

Bad things happen, but good people happen. That’s how it all evens out.




Pick up one of my motivational books!

The Martial Arts Woman book:…/dp/1544916213

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone:…/dp/150297830X

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2 thoughts on “Bad Things Happen to Good People

  1. thank you for sharing.It seems that we forget that good people even exist with all the negative media.Your words are inspiring

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