Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Sights and Sounds of the Dojo

The Experience If you are a martial artist, you know that when you walk into the dojo you feel an experience. There is excitement in the air, the scent of hard work and diligence, a sense of comradery, and a feeling of belonging. The whispers of the students as they breathe in their martial art… Read More Sights and Sounds of the Dojo

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Change Your Heart

In a world of strife and turmoil, how can you keep a positive outlook and believe that there is still good? Difficult times seem to surround you from every direction. I listen to the news sometimes and my heart drops and skips a beat. I wonder where we are headed. What direction is the world… Read More Change Your Heart

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy


Balance On occasion, someone thanks me for  being brave enough to put myself out there on social media. When I began my social media journey 8 years ago, I never really thought of it that way. But back then there were not many women promoting themselves or their martial art or allowing a personal glimpse… Read More Bravery

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader


I’ve evolved. Haven’t you? Eight years ago I began this little mission called, The Martial Arts Woman, essentially one woman’s (me!) vision of changing the world for the better through positivity and martial arts. I began promoting this little mission with a handful of semi-professional photos that a work mate took of me in a… Read More Evolution

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

The Collage of Life

When you stop placing unnecessary limitations on yourself, you flourish. There are so many different sides to who you are. If given a grid with which to fill your favorite photos of yourself, who would you see? Sometimes, you need to step back and put the collage of your life together. What is important to… Read More The Collage of Life

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Attitude and Positive Expectations

Do martial arts make me a positive person? Martial arts give me the confidence and conviction to step out and share what I know and what I’ve learned. There are times when I take my black belt for granted. I concede, somehow, that it is not that important. That is because I forgetfully wipe all… Read More Attitude and Positive Expectations

Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Today is the Day to Build Your Dream

Most people today forget about the importance of effort. They think that success should happen simply because they want it. Many forget the hours of hard work and dedication it takes to reach a pinnacle. Think about climbing a mountain, or learning to fly an airplane. You cannot do it without practice, effort, and the… Read More Today is the Day to Build Your Dream