Decreasing Stress, Encouragement, Karate, Learn to Appreciate, Motivational, Philosophy, Reader

Declutter and Allow the Real You to Emerge

Do you feel like you are not headed in the right direction? Do you wonder why things are not going your way? Have you had a lot of difficult times recently? All of the residue built up from negative thoughts and negative direction fill your life and your mind with unnecessary clutter. It is all stuff you do not need and can do without.

We rarely think about clutter until after the holidays and around this time of year. Suddenly, we realize that we have many more things than we ever possibly need. Often there are duplicates, old things we no longer use, clothing that no longer fits, or books and magazines on a shelf we never touch.

With a new year lurching forth just around the corner with new beginnings, let’s start dusting the cobwebs off and finally let go of some of our older belongings and our negative thoughts.

Cleaning out feels good. Suddenly the house looks refreshed, or you find exactly what you need on the first attempt! Things for which you have looked for a long time suddenly appear again! The space around you seems larger. You feel organized and energized and ready for nice changes or to just enjoy simplicity.

What we often forget to do, however, is look for the clutter within. Regrets. Losses. Failures. Worries. Mistakes. Stresses. All of these things are negative clutter that take up you mind space that should be filled with just the opposite. Forgiveness. Success. Beliefs. Goals. Achievements. Actions. Positivity. It’s all a matter of cleaning out the clutter.

So, how exactly do you do this? Well, as it is said in one holiday movie, “Put one foot in front of the other.” Thoughts can be controlled. It takes a little effort and a desire to make a change, but if you are willing and want to make the switch to clean out the clutter, here’s a few ideas:

1. Learn a martial art, or learn how to cultivate a positive, martial art mindset (Come on, you know that would be first!).
2. Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts as soon as you recognize negative thoughts entering your mind.
3. Instantly make a new plan which helps you shift gears into a positive action, instead of wallowing about a mistake.
4. Go ahead and apologize if you are truly sorry for something.
5. Set a new achievable goal that is meaningful to replace every set back that you have.
6. Step out and take an action toward where you want to go in your life and create your own opportunity.

I dislike clutter, but it often gets in my way, too. All I know is that when I get rid of what I do not need or what is holding me down, I feel energized and joyous. I can then live as the  successful, entrepreneurial, original person I am meant to be.

Declutter and allow the real you to emerge.




Be inspired with my motivational books and my podcast:

Martial Art Inspirations for Everyone…/dp/150297830X
The Martial Arts Woman Podcast:


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