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Live with Greatness

I grew up with a pleasant childhood, a nice family, decent schools, and a good neighborhood. I recall so many summer evenings in New England when the entire neighborhood of kids would gather together to play games in the front yards and local roads. Hide and seek was a big hit. Everyone loved scurrying around trying to find the right place to hide so they could run to “home base” without getting tagged.

I still can smell and feel the New England summer. Unlike Florida, where I live now, the air was dry. We all had dirt on our hands and feet from playing outdoors. Best friends would gather on front steps of different houses as the evening came to a close. We all waved goodnight and went inside after hours of playing and enjoying the games and outdoors. I don’t see anything like that anymore. Neighborhoods have changed, and so have people. That is why I cherish these memories.

Not everyone was carefree, like us kids were. My father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in his early 40’s. It plagued him his whole life. As it slowly progressed, it limited him more and more until in his later years he had little use of his hands and was in an electric wheel chair. The one thing he always said when I asked how he was doing, was that he was “Great.”

Yes, greatness exists even in the worst of times. There is a spec of it that filters forth, even if minuscule. When we decide to acknowledge that there is one great thing somewhere inside, we allow greatness to exist and flourish. I know he wasn’t great, and he knew it, too. Still, he didn’t want to burden others with the real answer to the question. We could all see the truth. It was a struggle. Everyday, he got just a little worse, and I never knew how he dealt with that in his own mind, but he did.

His greatness, I guess, has always carried me through. When I am down, or worried, I glimpse into my memory at his difficulty and immediately change my mindset to something positive. We should never let greatness go to waste.

One of the things I love the most about being a martial artist, is that martial arts allow me a constant glimpse into my own personal greatness. I, and only I, have my personality, and my depth of character. I can fully be myself, even in my practice. Even if I learn the same exact techniques or skills as all the others in class, I stand alone in my pursuit of becoming better than I was the day, or even moment, before.

Have you ever improved? Reached a milestone? Been surprised at your own abilities? That is greatness rising to the surface. That is why martial arts are the arts of greatness. Every moment brings you closer to becoming the person you were put on this planet to be. Your physical practice outweighs your struggles. You start to understand how creative and talented you are, not just in the martial art school or class, but in your life. The direct correlation of your learning manifests in your living, and that is truly great.

I can’t tell you how many times I have fretted over not being able to practice enough, or not being able to correctly perform a skill, or comprehend a technique. Personal greatness never means that you are perfect. It means that you have incredible potential to be able to conquer. There is no failure. Instead, there is learning, and as long as you are learning, you are headed in the right direction.

My father passed away a few years ago, but not without leaving a legacy of greatness behind. To not complain, even though he was discouraged and challenged, showed me how important it was to always keep positive, for your sake, and the sake of others. Yes, it is true. Keeping positive affects those around you in a positive way, and that is important and unselfish.

The Florida summers are much warmer and more humid than my younger years up in New England, where we played and laughed through the later hours in the summer days. Still, I enjoy the memories of how my life unfolded through friendships and family while growing up. I have no physical issues today, as my father did with his Multiple Sclerosis, and I will forever be grateful for good health. I am empowered through my personal greatness, which has evolved over time thanks to my father’s reminder to be “great” no matter what.  Both life and martial arts helped to mold me into the great person I am meant to be.

It’s time for you to take the plunge into personal greatness, too. Be a role model, and put your positivity into action. Live with greatness.


My new book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available. Purchase through my e-commerce store: or on Amazon!

The Martial Arts Woman shares the stories and insights of more than twenty-five women in the martial arts, and how they apply martial arts to their lives. Unlike most other martial art books, the reader will catch a glimpse into the brave and empowered woman who dares to be all that she can be. Many of these women had to overcome great societal or personal challenges to break into the men’s world of martial arts. This book will motivate and inspire you to go after your goals in life and to fight through every challenge and defeat every obstacle. The Martial Arts Woman will open your eyes to the power of the human spirit and the martial art mindset that dwells in each of us!


Andrea F. Harkins is a  writer, motivator, life coach, martial artist, and public speaker. Her book, The Martial Arts Woman, is now available at or on Amazon!

Andrea is Internationally known for her positivity through martial arts efforts and outreach, and her writing. She is currently a columnist for Martial Arts Illustrated UK, The Martial Arts Guardian (UK), the World Martial Arts Magazine, MASUCCESS, Conflict Manager, Martial Arts Business (Australia), The Parrish Village News, and her blog, The Martial Arts Woman.  Contact her through this website’s CONTACT ME page for information on public speaking, autographs, and life coaching.

3 thoughts on “Live with Greatness

  1. Happy New Year!

    Excellent post. Living with Greatness is to hold oneself to a higher standard, which is what you encourage all of us to do! 🙂

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